The EYLF cycle of planning helps educators design and deliver lessons tailored to children’s learning environment. The five steps in the cycle allow educators to create lesson plans tailored for each child that will help them achieve NQS.
What is the EYLF planning cycle?
The Early Years Learning Framework is a planning cycle that allows educators to observe and support children in meeting National Quality Standards. The planning cycle ensures educators have examined and reviewed different developmental areas.
Planning can identify problems early, and the EYLF planning cycle helps with assessments. The planning cycle can help teachers plan their time more effectively.
Continue reading to learn more about how the EYLF impacts the EYLF planning cycle.
Overview of EYLF outcomes
The EYLF results and the early years planning cycle work together. To plan effectively, it is essential to understand the EYLF outcomes. You can read a detailed article about the EYLF results by clicking here.
Outcome 1, Identity and Family
This outcome is aimed at building a child’s sense of self. Our resources will help children to learn more about who they are and share it with others—resources for Outcome 1 – Identity and Family.
Outcome 3: Community and belonging
Meeting other children is a great way to achieve this. Children learn to appreciate the uniqueness of everyone and their different communities. Kids can create a sense of community by collaborating. Find Resources for Outcome 2: Community and Belonging here.
Outcome 3. Health and Wellbeing
The third outcome focuses on the physical and emotional well-being of children. Many preschoolers enjoy moving and have strong emotions! This section looks at ways educators can help children stay safe. Find resources for Outcome 3 Health and Wellbeing here.
Outcome #4: Learning and Development
Children are usually curious and looking for answers at this age. It is essential to help children develop their skills by assisting them in their investigations. Here are resources for Outcome 4, Learning and Development.
Outcome 5: Language & Communication
This outcome is centered on helping children develop good communication skills. The kids will gain confidence in their communication skills and learn the basics of numeracy and literacy. Resources for Outcome 5 Language and Communication can be found here.
Early childhood development stages are essential knowledge when using the planning cycle. Teachers need to be aware of whether or not certain milestones have been met and how they can achieve them if necessary. This handy cover the main developmental stages. Educators can use it if they want a quick recap!
Breakdown of the Planning Cycle for EYLF
Planning is divided into five sections: observer, analyzer, planner, act, and reflect. Each team has its purpose and must be completed. This section covers each area of the planning cycle and offers questions that educators should consider as they use the planning cycle to implement EYLF.
Context is a critical factor that educators should keep in mind while using the planning cycle for childcare. Each child is unique, so the context will differ whether you are in childminding or after-school care. When examining the context, other factors need to be considered. Do the children in your class need extra support? Do you need to consider any financial or language barriers? The context must be used to inform educators’ planning and should remain at the center of their planning.
After educators fully understand the context, the next step is to plan.
Observe This step is about gathering information. The educator will watch a child or group of children engage in a particular activity. It could be anything from pretend play to tying shoelaces. At this stage, the only thing that educators can do is to observe.
Analysis – Educators must analyze what they’ve observed and determine the meanings of their actions. This stage requires a thorough understanding of EYLF outcomes and other theoretical perspectives. This is an excellent time to use our resource about EYLF developmental theories! At this stage, educators should ask themselves, “What do these activities tell me about the child?” The educator should also link the child’s activity and the specific section in the outcome it links to.
Plan– The planning should include strategies to push and support the child. After observing and analyzing, educators can think of ways to help the child achieve or exceed their desired outcome. Teachers should ask themselves: “How can this concept be meaningful to this child?” Context is key. Context can help children to connect with the material and help educators better understand children’s behavior.
Act: Once a plan is created, educators can implement it. This stage will require you to answer the question, “How and why was this topic/activity approached?”. The educator must determine if the child has been engaged in the goals and, if yes, to what extent.
Reflect This step evaluates an activity’s effectiveness. Has the child achieved the desired outcome? Are they confident about their abilities? What worked well, and what can be improved? What could be done to adapt the activity for a new occasion or context?
After educators reach the “Reflect” stage, it’s time to start over. After observing children, educators can see the impact of the cycle and make changes for the next time.
The cycle should be repeated until the child is comfortable with the new information. However, the educator must adapt the plan every time. It is pointless to repeat the cycle if no plans or changes are made!
Why use the Planning Cycle?
The planning cycle simplifies the planning process and ensures educators teach purposefully.
Educators can better support children by observing them first and tailoring their lessons to their observations. Educators will be more likely to notice this and adjust their method when a child has yet to achieve a particular milestone or outcome despite using different teaching methods with the planning cycle.
Children can also see their progress and learning history with the planning cycle! The planning cycle can help children who struggled at the beginning of the school year to feel more confident in their skills. It can boost a child’s confidence and self-esteem to show them the change.
The planning cycle helps educators stay on track and avoid missing important lessons. This is an effective and straightforward way to teach relevant skills.